The Falklands War 40 Years On – Remembrance

The Falklands war 40 years on – Remembrance


On the 2nd April 1982, the UK entered a battle arena 8,000 miles from our shores. The Falkland Islands relationship to Britain is centuries old, however 40 years ago, Argentine forces invaded. The fate of the islands and the islanders, part of the family of British Overseas Territories, would trigger one of Britain’s largest military operations since WW2. All elements of the Armed Forces including 30,000 Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, together with thousands of civilians came together to undertake what many thought an impossible mission and free the British citizens of the Falklands. After 74 days of hard fighting that tested the endurance and tolerance of British Forces to the limit, Argentine forces surrendered. During the conflict Britain lost 7 ships to enemy action, 9 aircraft were shot down, and 255 British military personnel lost their lives. Their names are inscribed on the Armed Forces Memorial at the Arboretum. Argentina had lost 649 men.


Dave Webb and I were chatting this morning about the conflict.  As children, we remember following the events via the media.  The war inspired Dave to pursue a career in the military.


Here at Valkyrie we remember their sacrifices and those who continue to live with the scars of the conflict.

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