Serious Security Incident Considerations

Liverpool incident – UPDATE to previous post

The prime minister has chaired a Cobra meeting – 2 points to note

  1. the incident has been declared as a terrorist incident, the police have confirmed
  2. the Joint-Terrorism-Analysis-Centre (JTAC) – have raised the UK’s threat level from substantial too severe


Low – an attack is highly unlikely

Moderate – an attack is possible, but not likely

Substantial – an attack is likely

Severe – an attack is highly likely

Critical – an attack is highly likely in the near future



Three men have been arrested under the Terrorism Act after a man was killed in a car explosion outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

At this early stage of the investigation, the police are keeping ‘an open mind’ as to how the explosion happened but have instructed the Counter Terrorism police to take the lead in this investigation.  Although we wait for further details of the incident and the motives, it’s a timely reminder that the threat from such incidents remains substantial.

Serious Security Incident Considerations

  • What can you do if ever involved in a significant incident?
  • UK Current national threat level is SUBSTANTIAL – means ‘an attack is likely’
  • Report suspicious activity on the anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321
  • Are you alert and situationally aware
  • Are you practising personal security responsibility

Advice – before you go out

  • Provide a colleague/friend with rough itinerary movements
  • Update your calendar to reflect meetings & locations
  • Put emergency contact information on mobile phone e.g. nearest  police station
  • Do not discuss plans with casual acquaintances
  • Carry essentials kit in backpack – e.g. map, water/food, power-pack for mobile
  • Before departing your hotel/home check local news
  • Maintain a low profile (‘grey person’)

Advice – in a serious incident

  • An Attack:
    • Identifying/accept if attack is underway. Be strong, stay calm, think logically
  • Run:
    • If outside, make a snap assessment where the attack is occurring and move in the opposite direction
  • Hide:
    • If you have to hide, look at immediate steps you can take to protect yourself
  • Tell:
    • Inform your office of your situation and location
    • Call police/ambulance/fire



  • RUN to a place of safety.
  • It’s better to HIDE than confront
  • TELL the police by calling 999

Find suitable cover from gunfire or the attacker

Be aware of your exits. Don’t get trapped. Silence your phone

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