National Cyber Strategy

A new National Cyber Strategy has been announced, setting out how we will protect and promote UK interests in rapidly evolving online world.

Today (Wednesday 15th December) the Government has published its new National Cyber Strategy which sets out how the UK will solidify its position as a global cyber power. This is the first major milestone following the publication of the Government’s Integrated Review earlier this year.

Ministers are promising to expand and enhance cyber skills across the board in a drive to promote UK technological leadership and build resilience in the face of growing threats.

The Government’s new National Cyber Strategy calls for a “whole-of-society” approach from the classroom to industry to open up access to high skill, high priority jobs.

At the same time, it is increasing investment in the National Cyber Force which represents the UK’s offensive capability to “counter, disrupt degrade and contest” criminals seeking to harm the country’s interests.

The strategy also sets out the Government’s plan to keep citizens safe in cyberspace and stamp out cyber crime by:

  • Bolstering law enforcement with significant funding so that they can ramp up their targeting of criminals;
  • Increasing investment in the National Cyber Force which represents the UK’s offensive capability to counter, disrupt, degrade and contest those who would do harm to the UK and its allies;
  • Expanding GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre’s research capabilities, including the new applied research hub in Manchester;
  • Implementing the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill to enforce minimum security standards in all new consumer smart products; and
  • Investing in public sector cyber security to ensure that key public services remain resilient to evolving threats and can continue to deliver for citizens who need them.

Here at Valkyrie, we encourage this news, especially as cyber security is one of the busiest services we provide.  Please always be vigilant and read our articles on cyber and personal security.

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