If you follow our posts you will be aware that here at Valkyrie, we offer several services and have a team experienced in a wide range of skills. One of the services we offer and have posted previously about is physical penetration testing (PPT), this is where – at the request of the client – we attempt to gain entry to an office or other premises/building/compound be it covertly or via some other method with the aim being to assess the security of the systems and personnel on site. One of the methods of entry we have in our ‘tool bag’ is lock-picking sometimes referred to as covert method of entry. As you can imagine this requires a high level of training, experience and skill and unlike what you often see portrayed in various movies its rarely successful in a few seconds with the use of a hairgrip or a safety pin, this is even more true with evermore sophisticated locking systems virtually making them ‘pick-proof’ without highly specialist pieces of equipment. That said, on occasion the method is still warranted and can be successful, plus quite often on PPT taskings the client is keen for us to utilise the method to attempt entry.
If you would like to know more, or would like to utilise this service, or any other service we provide, please contact us at security@valkyrie.co.uk or 02074 999 323.