Exhibits Training

In this image, we are conducting refresher training on how to seize, audit and store exhibits often referred to as ‘the evidence chain’.  One of the main factors for losing cases in the courts is due to mishandling or not being thorough with the audit trail of evidential exhibits.


Here at Valkyrie, we are very conscious of this fact and regularly conduct refresher training on this subject, this is especially important just prior to a task.


It is extremely important to handle evidence correctly, document an exhibit thoroughly and store it securely.  Without being thorough and methodical, evidence can be compromised, therefore losing a case in court, be it criminal or civil.


On a personal level, during my police career, I have seen exhibits officers being overwhelmed with the number of exhibits being given to them whilst at a crime scene.  A good exhibits officer will take control, document the evidence correctly and thoroughly and not let a pressurised situation get the better of them.


If you, your company or organisation conduct this type of work and require expert training we are very happy to facilitate – contact Valkyrie E: security@valkyrie.co.uk  T:  +44 (0) 2074 999 323

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