Radio Signals

At Valkyrie, we encourage our teams to think outside the box and research various pieces of kit to stay current and improve our service offerings. Our Cyber team recently purchased a portapack H2. It allows you to experiment with, record, listen, decode and transmit RF signals out in the field, without the need for any computer. You do need to be responsible and careful with the device though, as there is the huge potential of getting in trouble with it if you start transmitting illegal things.

The biggest use that we see for the PortaPack is for testing capture and replay attacks, and perhaps for capturing IQ (Quadrature signals) data out in the field, for later analysis back in the lab on a computer. As you are probably aware, nearly every piece of kit has a radio signal, whether it be Bluetooth, WiFi, or your traditional RF such as comms (walkie-talkies).

The cyber team’s first run saw them locate aircraft within the vicinity, they able to obtain the carrier information as well as the flight number and location. More to follow as they experiment with car keys and other IoT devices.

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