The London Bombings

Seventeen years ago today, 7th July 2005, London experienced a series of coordinated bomb attacks carried out by four terrorists targeting commuters travelling on the city’s public transport system during the morning rush hour.

As a combined incident the bombing of three Tube trains and a bus resulted in the worst single terrorist atrocity carried out on British soil since the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie – 52 innocent people lost their lives with a further 700 injured. At just after 08:50 three explosions took place on the Underground – 26 people died at Russell Square, 6 at Edgware Road and 7 at Aldgate. Almost an hour later, a fourth device was set off on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square, killing 13.

As a servicing police officer I personally remember the day vividly. My police colleagues and I were directly involved in the immediate investigation of this tragic event.  However, I had to leave early as my wife was caught up in the attack on the bus at Tavistock Square, thankfully she only received minor injuries

Here at Valkyrie, we would like to remember everyone affected by these awful events.

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