Staff Cybersecurity issues

With over 90% of successful cyber-attacks requiring human interaction, your employees are now the number one point of entry for cybercriminals looking to harm your organisation. In most cases, they are let in via an employee clicking on something without thinking or reusing passwords.

Focus on your employees. Your employees are your first line of defence. If they don’t know how to respond in a cybersecurity-conscious manner, your company is at risk.  This is exactly why here at Valkyrie we regularly present Cyber Security Awareness courses to our clients.

If your employees are not educated, it’s going to be very difficult to protect your systems against the variety of threats that cybercriminals are using to steal your data.

How Employees Can Prevent Cyberattacks

• Update your passwords and use 2FA. Make sure that your employees are using password manager software to store and encrypt all their passwords. The passwords they create should be unique for each website or app with alphanumeric characters. Two-factor authentication is a must practice for all employees.

• Employees should review their credit reports. Hackers will target employee personal information in order to get access to business information. Make sure your employees are reviewing their credit reports and financial statements for any odd activity.

• Run regular backups and audits. Run regular file backups for your website, sensitive customer information and other company data. Audit your business’s cybersecurity status regularly. You can also automate some of the procedures by scheduling reminders for employees to change passwords and scan their work computers.

Your business is valuable — to you, your customers and, unfortunately, to cybercriminals. A cyberattack or data breach can cost you financially and damage your brand’s reputation. Educating your employees about cybersecurity threats, their impact and what they can do to prevent them is your first line of defence.

If you would like to attend one of our courses, please contact us at or telephone us at 02074 999 323.

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