
We are often required to conduct taskings overseas. Valkyrie is well versed in dealing with the various different customs requirements when traveling to and from different countries. As we have posted previously we always service and prepare our equipment prior to travel, but an additional and important requirement that you may not be aware of is the requirement to prepare Carnet documents for the various items of forensic equipment alongside the TSCM  equipment- the ATA Carnet acts as a passport for goods. It simplifies the custom formalities by allowing a single document to be used for clearing goods through customs in the countries that are part of the ATA Carnet system. The acronym ATA is the combined French and English words ‘Admission Temporaire-Temporary Admission’. Every country is slightly different, but the form and the process allows you to move in and out of countries without delays. In our experience when dealing with customs desks and personnel at different airports it can be anything from highly efficient to poor, so if you need to utilise the system and process the key take away is – ensure you fill in all requirements in detail, double check everything and make sure you leave plenty of time for flight check in and the airport carnet process because I expect you will be waiting and queuing during the process. A couple of further points:

  1. Accurately list all equipment you’re taking abroad e.g. make, model and serial numbers
  2. Always place all equipment on the Carnet. You can take fewer items listed; however, you cannot add addition items on once the carnet has been issued
  3. Always leave enough time to get the Carnet list and make sure the country you’re going to recognises the official document
  4. Always leave enough time to go through customs

Additional information can be found at –

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